Horehound, White (Organic) Marrubium vulgare x 100
Perennial in zones 3-9.
An attractive shrub with small, grey-green leaves that are covered in small white hairs, creating a fuzzy appearance. Tea can be made from the leaves and it is a favorite remedy for coughs (though it’s quite bitter so add honey). Horehound has long been noted for its medicinal qualities in treating numerous ailments. The essential oil is said to contain potent antimicrobial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It has also traditionally been used as a flavoring for ales, sodas, and lozenges. Naturalizes easily and may spread, though germination can be slow and erratic. Best when direct sown in early spring or early fall.
Horehound is native to Europe, and the perennial plants are bushy and grow one to two feet in height. The leaves are gray, wrinkled, woolly and exhibit an interesting, musky, wormwood scent with a bitter taste. The scent fades with drying and is nearly lost when stored.
Dried leaves are teas, desserts, and baking whereas the fresh plant is best for making candies and lozenges. Horehound is hardy and easily grown. Choose a location that receives full sun with well-drained soil. It thrives in dry, poor ground.
To Germinate: Place in a tray of seed raising mix, slightly moist, with cover until shoots emerge. Another method is to simply place seeds directly into soil, and keep moist until germination is shown. This is an extremely hardy shrub that will self sow, requires minimal effort to maintain, with a strong deep root system that once established, is hardy and strong. Once established, no watering is required, or barely minimal.
El Noor Gardens Horehound is seriously hardy!!
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